Thunderstorm and Lightning Storm Safety
9/15/2021 (Permalink)
A severe thunderstorm watch means that severe storms are possible in and around the area. A severe thunderstorm warning means severe weather has already been reported or spotted by radar. Storm warnings also indicate danger.
Stay up to date on the weather forecasts. As we know, the weather forecast can change day today.
Stay in communication with your family. Communicate with them on where to go in the case of an emergency. And discuss an emergency plan.
Prepare your home keep tree branches trimmed back, take your patio furniture inside or put it in the shed so things don’t go flying around.
Help your neighbors and friends! Head over to your next-door neighbor’s house and see if they need any help carrying patio furniture inside or securing anything. A little help will go a long way.
Have a first aid kit
Lightning safety:
It is important for you to remain indoors during thunderstorms.
- Avoid open areas such as fields, and do not be the tallest in the area. Lightning will strike the taller objects in an area.
- Stay away from trees, poles, and towers.
- Stay away from fences.
If you need emergency service, Call us 24/7 - (401) 949-9955